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The Brain that Meets the Universe

Let's examine the big questions and explanations on mind and universe from the point of view of science, philosophy, and (sometimes) science fiction.

Edgar Chicurel H
Nov 18, 20218 min read
Any Question?
When wondering about existence, what are the mysteries we wish we could understand? Given the chance, would we really want to have our...

Edgar Chicurel H
Nov 7, 202111 min read
A World for Every Occasion
Is a universe created each time someone measures an electron's spin? This extremely counter intuitive theory of what happens when we...

Edgar Chicurel H
Oct 20, 20219 min read
The Bigger Catfish or Keep Calm and Ask Kant
Are some things off limits to our possibility of knowing? Should science speculate on them? How about the realm that is beyond what we...

Edgar Chicurel H
Oct 11, 202111 min read
Losing the Universe
Every second 20,000 stars fall out of our field of view.Despite the knowledge we now have of the universe and its makeup, there is a hard...

Edgar Chicurel H
Sep 20, 202111 min read
Why is the Universe so Big?
The vastness of the universe is astounding. Why is it so huge? Some thoughts on its size and the implications for humans and how and why...

Edgar Chicurel H
Sep 11, 202110 min read
Driven to Complexity
When it comes to shaping the future, are humans in the driver's seat? Were we ever? In this post I take a look at how technological...

Edgar Chicurel H
Aug 5, 20219 min read
Peak Evolution
Life has been evolving on our planet for 3.5 billion years. At long last, humans have arrived. Are we the peak of evolution? It is common...

Edgar Chicurel H
Jul 29, 20216 min read
Cloning Consciousness or Maybe Dying Isn't so Bad after All
Here are two big questions: What does it mean to be self-conscious? and, Why are certain physical systems (e.g. a living human with a...

Edgar Chicurel H
Jul 25, 20216 min read
Is Will Subconscious?
Sometimes we make decisions which our subconscious might have already decided for us. Another look at the nature of free will, this time...

Edgar Chicurel H
Jul 23, 20217 min read
The Opposite of Free Will
Can physics predict our actions? If free will does not exist how do our thoughts form? Lately, it seems that many a well respected author...
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